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By Wu Cheng-ting, Chiu Chun-fu and Hsieh Chia-chun  /  Staff reporters
The Order of Blue Sky and White Sun that was kept 

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‘RED HAND’:Aside from embedded Chinese advertisements in local news, Beijing-based Taiwanese reporters have also taken to practicing self-censorship, a forum says

Academics and journalists yesterday expressed concern about the threats to Taiwanese media of an increasing concentration of ownership and Chinese influence.

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By Catherine Shu  /  Staff reporter
Taipei gastronomes will have a rare opportunity to enjoy renowned Spanish chef Xabier Gutierrez’s creations next month at DN Innovacion in Taipei’s Xinyi District.

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Taipei, April 28 (CNA) Taiwan is working to expand economic and political ties with Myanmarand India through a policy of viable diplomacy, Foreign Minister Timothy Yang said.

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Photo: Catherine Shu, Taipei Times

By Catherine Shu  /  Staff reporter

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