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Vegetarians live longer and prosper: study 研究:素食者更健康長壽

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1.Talk about who you know and what you have in common. Mutual friends, bosses, hometowns, etc.

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什麼是自然發音 (Phonics) ? 

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Childhood obesity’ can be predicted by check at birth’

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Hundreds of racing pigeons vanish in ’Bermuda triangle’ of birds 

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Global warm Global warming "could make us shorter" ing "could make us shorter"

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【多益情報誌/文/Chloe Hsieh】 

沒喝過洋墨水,也並非ABC 從沒離開過臺灣的本土碩士也能拿下多益測驗990 分滿分的好成績?!他是目前任教於中興大學語言中心的陳昭良老師,個人風格強烈的他總是戴著雷朋墨鏡穿梭校園,在同學間贏得「戴雷朋老師」的稱號。

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