2012.03.02 03:27 am |
俗話說太陽底下無新鮮事("There is no new thing under the sun."),對於習以為常的事物,我們戒心降低(absentminded),久之麻木不仁(oblivious)。一旦慣性養成,自己也變成問題的一部份,對不合情理的事,就不再起疑。
國家地理雜誌做過精心設計的陷阱實驗(well-orchestrated con game):旅客在旅館櫃檯登記,櫃員其實有二,一人站立處理,一人藏在櫃後。
收件後,第一人假裝掉筆,撿筆時第二人趁勢站起,兩人服裝、髮型、身材完全不同。實驗顯示:很少受測者察覺兩人有異,可見一般人視而不見(on cruise control)情況極為嚴重。
這種心理適應過程,其實有學理根據:一般人注意力能全力集中的時間很短,且一次只能照料一個對象,多了就「見樹不見林」("can't see the forest because of the trees")。
這時有心人如果膽大心細,巧為佈置(window dressing),就在最不可疑的地方下功夫,狡計往往因其明目張膽(hide in plain sight)反而得逞。
孫子說:「形人而我無形,則我專而敵分。」敵明我暗,對方注意力不能集中,力量自然分散。所以,憑藉障眼法,光天化日(in broad daylight)敵人不察上當(pull the wool over their eyes),自然手到擒來。
例:"Most of us are more likely to be absentminded than have Alzheimer's disease, but how can you tell the difference."「一般人偶爾會失神,但不至於老人癡呆,雖然有時兩者看起來很像。」
"They lost the election for their oblivious to the mounting pressures for political reform."「對排山倒海而來的政治改革訴求茫然無知,是彼等敗選主因。」
"He admitted his seemingly hard work for our department is nothing but a well-orchestrated con game."「他坦言:對部門看似賣力的演出,其實都是假的。」
"He was laid off for being on cruise control and was detached from the world; he paid limited attention to events which occur around him."「他對週遭事務完全脫節,對重點視而不見,終於被解聘了。」
"The realignment may be more window dressing than a substantive change in how the company does business."「公司改組,看似隆重,但並無實際效益。」
"Can China hide in plain sight and will her relationship with Taiwan tear a close-knit US-Taiwan relationship apart?"「大陸和台灣打得火熱,美國和台灣的關係會不會受到影響?」
"The judges knew that these criminals were trying to pull the wool over their eyes with their long, drawn out story."「騙徒夸夸其詞,目的想用言語矇騙,但法官不為所動。」
【2012/03/02 經濟日報】