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‘NEUTICLES’:How to make a canine who has been neutered feel better about a life without his favorite repository of sniffs and licks is fueling a new industry


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A group of artists, teachers and community organizers are pooling their talents and knowledge to raise funds for an arts school that teaches children with disabilities

By David Chen  /  Staff reporter

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Yemeni street vendors sell food in Sanaa (file picture from 14 April 2012)
The aid agencies say there is food available,
but many Yemenis are unable to afford it

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When New York City's web-phobic ultra-orthodox Jews wanted to discuss how to face the challenge posed to their community by the growth of the internet, they could hardly set up a Google Hangout or host a webinar.

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President Obama’s decision to support same-sex marriage in the United States could have an impact on what is expected to be a close presidential election in November.  But most experts believe the president’s fate is still tied to the domestic economy. 

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Most scientists agree that the Earth is undergoing significant climate change, partly due to the greenhouse gases produced when fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal are burned. 

However, earth scientists know that the planetary environment has always been in flux. Some of those changes have caused extinctions on a massive scale. However, for humans, higher apes and other large mammals, environmental fluctuations have sometimes been a goad to adaptation.

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SEOUL - A high-level U.S. delegation focused on North Korean matters met with South Korean and Japanese diplomats in Seoul Monday. The group had words of warning for North Korea. 

Key U.S., South Korean and Japanese diplomats held talks for the first time since North Korea's provocative rocket launch attempt last month.  The rocket exploded less than two minutes into its flight.

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