1. "How would you investigate a technology without letting anyone know you were investigating it?" 你如何在研究一項技術的同時又不讓任何人知情? This is a tough question. Apple doesn't want people to know what it's planning, so secrecy is key. 這是個很難的問題。蘋果公司不希望外界知道自己的計畫,所以保密是關鍵問題。 2. "Describe the manufacturing process for some of the components in an iPhone." 請描述iPhone部分元件的製造過程。 You'll need some seriously technical expertise for certain engineering jobs. 要完成某些工程師的工作,你需要技術方面的專業知識。 3. "How do you test the prototype of the vending machine?" 你如何測試一個自動售貨機的原型? This prospective engineer was asked to solve a problem: "If vending machine takes 1$ bill and gives 75 cents worth product. But it doesn't gives out change. How do you analyze what has gone wrong. You don't have any access to internals of the vending machine." 有一個傑出的工程師被要求解決這樣一個問題:如果自動售貨機收入1美元,賣出75美分的東西,但卻沒有找零。如果無法接觸到它的內部構件,你將如何分析問題所在。 4. "Why aren't you going to work at the place where you interned?" 你為什麼不打算在實習過的地方工作? 5. "Write a function that calculates a number's factorial using recursion." 寫出一個用遞迴來計算階乘的函數。 6. "In a stream of integers from 1 to n, only one number will be repeated. How can you tell what that number is?" 在從1到N的整數列中,只有一個數字會重複,你如何知道是哪個數字?
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