In two days it will be May 1st, International Workers’ Day. 

To celebrate, local labor groups will organize a parade to protest the exploitation of workers. 

Labor groups will take to the streets to protest the Ma Administration’s decision to raise electricity and petrol prices. 

They are also unhappy with the minimum wage as more than 60 percent of workers earn less than NT$37,000 and 40 percent below NT$30,000. 

Furthermore, real wages have fallen below levels 14 years ago. Labor activists plan to take to the streets on May 1st to express their anger and frustration with the Ma Administration.


1. According to the article, how will the International Workers' Day be celebrated?

2. What is your reaction with the increase in electricity and petrol prices? Minimum wage of workers?

3. Did you ever join a protest? If yes, when? What were you protesting against? If not, are there anything you would like to protest against?

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