各位大大好:我有一段英文會話不會寫,請大家幫幫我好嗎?因為本身英文能力不好,題目如下:角色有4位:分別為A:出國的人,B:送人出國的人,C:一位餐廳服務員,D:和機場櫃台服務員。內容大約是B要送A一起去機場搭機出國,而二位因為肚子餓先去機場餐廳用餐,之後再一起去機場櫃台買票...等等。這4位角色每一個人至少要有5句以上的會話,而且不能太簡短(如:OK,SORRY,THANK YOU等等)。所以請各位大大幫個忙吧,小弟感激不盡^^
2005-06-12 07:35:58 補充
A: Thanks for coming with me. Let me check-in first.
B: Not a problem, take your time.
D: May I have your ticket and passport, please.
A: Here you are.
D: Could you put your lagguage on the weight scale, please.
A: OK, are they overwight.
D: No. Here is your boarding pass, gate No. 10, please be there before 10.
You're all set.
A: Thanks.
A: OK, I got 2 more hours to go. It's still early, why don't we go grab something to eat.
Let's go to the cafeteria.
B: Ok, I'm kind of hungry too.
A: Have a seat.
C: Hi, how are you doing today, here is your menu.
What would you like to drink?
A: Ice tea.
B: Make it two.
C: Right away.
A: So, what do you want to eat? My treat.
B: Thanks, I just want a burger.
C: Here is your drink. May I take your order?
A: I'm having a salad with blue cheese dressing.
B: I want a cheese burger with fries.
C: Anything else.
A: That will be all.
Moment later.
C: Your burger and here is your salad.
Anything else.
A: That's good, we all set.
A: That was delicious, time to go now, I will call you when I got there.
B: Have a nice trip. Bye.
Note: Don't have time to check spelling, help yourself