Count On Me (有我在), by Show Luo (羅志祥, also known as Alan Luo).

1. Show Luo (羅志祥, also known as Alan Luo) and Count On Me (有我在) with 51.49 percent
2. Ella Chen (陳嘉樺) and To Be(首張個人迷你專輯我就是 ... 預購版) with 8.98%
3. Mayday (五月天) and Second Round (第二人生) with 2.26%

4. I Love You So Much (粉愛粉愛你) and original soundtrack (電視原聲帶) with 1.62%
5. Zhang Jing-yun (張靜芸) and A Thousand Years, 10,000 Years(千年萬年) with 1.59%Album chart compiled from G-Music (, based on retail sales
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