Hi, my name is Teacher Tey. My star sign is Cancer and I was born in the year of the Pig. I am highly sociable in the sense that I can easily open up a conversation with a stranger, and can adjust with different people easily.
I graduated with a degree in Accountancy at the University of Santo Tomas , but have never practiced it. I love Math but I am more of a people person. That is why after working as a sales person for a year, I pursued my passion in singing
and became a professional singer and then an events host too, eventually.
我畢業於Santo Tomas大學的會計系,至今尚未從事過會計相關的工作。我喜歡數學,但是我更喜歡人與人之間的互動。這也是為什麼在當了一年的業務後,我會選擇堅持自己對唱歌的熱情,成為一名專業歌手的原因,最後甚至有幸成為大型活動的主持人。
I started teaching in 2008. It was on a one on one basis, in a classroom with a student. I enjoyed the experience so much as it enabled me to help foreigners learn English and impart some of the values we have as well. Needless to say, most of my students are still my friends until now, even if they have already gone back to their own countries.
I have always believed that 'To teach is to touch a life'. That is why I take teaching seriously. Learning is not only confined to books. Every thing around us are teaching tools. Of course I also apply different techniques in teaching, depending on the student's capability. I make it fun and interesting as I myself don't want to be called a boring teacher. I make it a point to relate it to what
their interests are.
It inspires me more when my students appreciate the outcome of our classes. Most especially when I hear them say that they have not only learned the subject well but also how I have made them better people. I am just as enthusiastic to learn from my students as well. It would be my pleasure and joy to teach you what I know and to help you improve your proficiency in English. I look forward to having you as my student at Hi!Tutor!
教學經歷(年) Teaching Experience (Year):
超過4年 over 4 years
適合學員 Student Level:
2級~8級 Level 2~Level 8
教學專長Teaching Professional Specialty:
英文發音、英文文法、日常英文會話、商用英文 Pronunciation, Grammar, Daily Conversation, Business English
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