
  具有政治法律背景的Teacher Jo (Saturday)


Good day! I am Jo, 35 years old.  I was born on June 13, which makes my astrological sign Gemini.  I am self-reliant, painstakingly, patient and can be a little stubborn at times.  Gemini’s are Communicative, witty, Intellectual and eloquent so I think that this job of teaching English suits me well.


I studied Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Political Science as well as Bachelor of Laws.  While I was in law school I worked as a secretary at a law firm. I did not write the bar exam, as I discovered a new passion which makes me very happy - teaching English.  I have been teaching for 4 years now, to students ranged from teenagers to adults, both students and working professionals alike. My students would say I am a friendly and enthusiastic teacher.  I enjoy topics ranging from history, and business to current events and daily life activities.

我主修政治與法律,在學時,曾經在律師事務所擔任秘書。我並沒有參加檢定考試,因為發現教英文才是帶給我快樂,熱情的來源。我已經進入第四年的教學了,教學 對象從十幾歲的青少年到成人,學生與專業人士都有。他們常說我是個熱情友善的老師,我喜歡的科目從歷史、經濟、到時事,每天發生的活動都讓我很有興趣去瞭 解。

I believe that learning should be fun so I do not limit myself to discussing only bookwork. I like to go beyond those topics and stimulate students minds by motivating them to express their own opinions about the topic discussed. I like my students to realize that learning is not a one way process because teachers also eventually learn something from them. More than anything else, students should do their part so that they can achieve the purpose in taking the class.  I look forward to getting to know you and hope to talk with you soon!

我相信學習應該是很有趣的,所以我不喜歡侷限在既定教材上。我喜歡用不同的主題刺激學生,找出各種不同的動機,讓他們針對討論的主題盡量表達自己的意見。我 希望學生能瞭解學習並不是單向的,老師和學生是教學相長的。最重要的,學生應該要把握機會練習表達,才能達到來上課的目的,希望早點在Hi Tutor見到你!

我是雙子座  快來選課吧!

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