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樂觀風趣的潔蜜莉老師 (Teacher Jemmily)   

Hi! This is Teacher Jemmily. I'm a very cheerful, friendly, and optimistic person. 

One of the things that I do during my pastime is walking. I'm into it and I think I could walk for 2 hours. The other thing that I usually do during my free time is to read newspapers because I want to be well-informed about the things that are happening around me. 


By the way, I like English and business subjects except accounting. I'm actually a graduate of Bachelor in Business Technology and I had a lot of business subjects there. I could teach as well as work in an office because of the subjects I had taken before.


Well, being a teacher is a very difficult yet challenging job. With my previous teaching job with Koreans, I would usually use the simplest word in order for beginners to understand me better. I was trying to make a friendly atmosphere during the class for them to be more comfortable. 


I always give my best because I want my student learn from me. I feel satisfied when I know that they've learned something from me. And if I feel like I still have to work on some areas of my skills, I try to ask other people's opinion about my performance for me to be able to change the things that I still have to improve on. I'm an open-minded person. 


On the other hand, I already got an idea of what kind of student that I will be handling and I believe I could handle them well.

I'm expecting them to learn as well as to have fun during my class. I'm kinda excited. I hope I could meet you at Hi!Tutor as soon as possible.

我希望學生們在我的課堂上可以一方面學習英文,一方面也樂在其中,我真的很興奮,我迫不及待希望能早日與您在 Hi!Tutor 見面! 

Teaching Experience (Year): 1 year
英文教學經歷(年) : 1年 

Suitable level: Level 3~Level 6
適合學員: 3級~6級 

Teaching Professional Specialty : Pronunciation, Grammar, Daily Conversation, Reading

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皆さん、こんにちは。展之介と申します。今度HI TUTORの日本語クラスの先生を担当して、本当に嬉しいです。台中技術学院の日本語学科を卒業してて、専門は日本語教育です。JLPT N1に合格しました。日本語の先生として今まで五年ぐらい日本語教育経験を持っています。日本語教育にはかなり経験がある先生と言えます。

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